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Kranzhorn 🇦🇹 | Short Hike with a great view

This one came across on our way back home from Austria. We wanted to get another hike and make use of the great weather. Definitely a short and not too exhausting hike with a nice hut on the way.

From the parking at Wanderparkplatz Kranzhornhütte you can take two trails. We would recommend you take the trails through the woods first. It's a nice hike through nature up to the Kranzhorn Alm. Here you can enjoy a nice break, some food and cold drinks.

From here it's a short 20-30min uphill to the peak of the Kranzhorn. If you ponder if it's worth going there or if you should rather have another beer. We can tell you - go for the summit. It's a great view into Austria in Germany and you even get two crosses at the summit.

You take the same way back to the hut and then decide to take the trail through the woods again or a shorter way on a gravel road.


Super easy walk for your dog. No rocks or jumps, so you can even take smaller dogs up that hill.


Start: Wanderparkplatz Kranzhornhütte

Distance: 7km

Time: 2.5 - 3h

Elevation: 450m

Highest point: 1.367m

Lowest point: 871m

Huts on the way: Kranzhorn Alm

When to hike: All-year


Date hiked: 01/06/2023


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